Scientific Area
The technical facilities and installations were on a scale of extensiveness witch find no counterpart in the Ordnance establishment in the United States (1945). Many mobile measuring units (on trailers) utilized Boulenge and camera oscillographs.
A extensive cable system connected the main firing fronts with the instrument buildings.
Boulenge chronographs, six-channel Siemens Universal Oscillographs, electronic equipment, cameras of all types, machine tools and stock were abundant. Some new or different techniques had been perfected, but generally one noted a very high degree of refinement given to methods well beyond the point of diminishing returns.
Most of the instruments employed in the Scientific Group were of Zeiss manufacture.
Physical testing equipment was contained in the artillery Experimental Laboratory. There were tensile, impact and hardness testing machines.
Fuze chronograph equipment. Essentially, initiation of the mechanical clocks was accomplished with a mercury switch on the gun. The burst was picked up in a parabolic mirror with a photo cell at its focus.
Other equipment used: Blast Gauge, Photoelectric Sky Screens, Velocity Measurements,
Pressure Measurements, Kalotte, Pressure-Time, Stereophotogrammetry, and Meteorology.


36- Ballistic Laboratory Store
37- Ballistic Measurement Laboratory
38- Ballistic Laboratory
39- Meteorological & Infrared Laboratory
110-Motorcycle Shed
114-Meteorological Laboratory Store
115-Proving Building